by FDSadmin
  • Drawing Lines for Your Business 

    by Tracy Hegg

    Essentially, plans are just an assortment of lines arranged to tell the story of a project. Homeowners don’t really care about how long we had …

  • Plan and Design the Best New Year

    by Tracy Hegg

    How was 2022 for you? How many times have you answered recent surveys asking you to compare the past with now?  While I think it’s …

  • Managing Scope Creep and Expectations

    by Tracy Hegg

    You get a call from a homeowner, “I want to remodel my kitchen. Is this what you do?”  “Definitely!” you reply. “I’ve been remodeling kitchens …

  • Understanding the Prospective Client

    by Autumn McGarr

    Before we engage with prospective clients, we have to attract them.  To accomplish that, marketing experts including Marcus Sheridan, Danny Iny and Jonathan Christian say …


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